Bibendi's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,1642,583activerecord-postgres_enumIntegrate PostgreSQL's enum data type into ActiveRecord's schema and migrations.
27,2554,429dipDIP - Docker Interaction Process.CLI tool for better development experience when intera...
320,15612,325active_event_storeWrapper over Rails Event Store with conventions and transparent Rails integration
421,8736,564graphql-connectionsGraphQL cursor-based stable pagination to work with Active Record relations
522,42616,327string_toolsString Tools
623,4249,066schkedRufus-scheduler wrapper to run recurring jobs
732,73223,898feature_togglesThis gem provides a mechanism for pending features.
839,59618,096redis_counters-dumpersDump statistics from Redis to DB
944,78718,905finditExtensions for Finder classes
1046,24117,740redis_countersRedis Counters
1148,00319,363twinkle-clientA ruby client for Twinkle notification service
1256,90519,844callbacks_rbExternal callbacks
1359,58820,970sysloggableWrites to syslog with user defined params
1475,68721,580keepitClasses for protection
16105,65280,697vicarBridge between logig and view
17106,591141,551downstreamStraightforward way to implement communication between Rails Engines using the Publish-...
18110,66780,697resque-godLaunch Resque workers from config via God. Worker`s settings are stored in the config f...
19112,886102,511active_support-lazy_load_patchEnsure load hooks can be called more than once with different contexts
20144,073102,511resque-singleIntegration of resque with resque-progress and resque-lock
21159,794102,511gemreleasetestgemreleasetest desc
22168,939102,511simple_contractsPlain Old Ruby Object Implementation of Contract
23174,6329,867sbmt-outboxA service that uses a relational database inserts messages/events into an outbox table ...
24176,40550,806sbmt-kafka_producerThis gem is used for producing Kafka messages. It represents a wrapper over Waterdrop g...
25178,36523,898sbmt-kafka_consumerThis gem is used for consuming Kafka messages. It represents a wrapper over Karafka gem...