1 | 6,986 | 10,441 | chef-helpers | A collection of helper methods to use in Opscode Chef recipes |
2 | 14,522 | 30,662 | minigit | A simple Ruby interface for Git |
3 | 29,644 | 138,048 | evoker | Evoker is an add-on to Rake to download and manage project's external
dependencied, upd... |
4 | 31,601 | 25,345 | vendorificator | Vendor everything. Stay sane. |
5 | 43,062 | 49,578 | capistrano-offroad | Capistrano-offroad is a support package for using Capistrano with
non-rails projects. ... |
6 | 61,820 | 66,732 | resque-pool-dynamic | A class to dynamically manage number of processes and status in the
resque pool with a ... |
7 | 64,460 | 49,578 | knife-dns-update | Updates DNS based on Chef database |
8 | 72,926 | 56,740 | knife-annex | Knife plugin implementing a git-annex backend in chef-vault |
9 | 91,830 | 80,608 | knife-dwim | Run a correct knife command to upload file to Chef server |
10 | 98,599 | 80,608 | metarake | A Rake extension to build multiple separate projects, published outside the repository |
11 | 102,653 | 80,608 | knife-briefcase | Knife plugin to store GPG-encrypted data in Chef data bag |
12 | 127,004 | 138,048 | gitconfig | Keep your local configuration in git's config |
13 | 128,997 | 138,048 | gitconfig-highline | Highline integration for gitconfig |
14 | 143,018 | 101,206 | ipscriptables | Ruby-driven IPTables |