Xamebax's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,98610,441chef-helpersA collection of helper methods to use in Opscode Chef recipes
214,52230,662minigitA simple Ruby interface for Git
329,644138,048evokerEvoker is an add-on to Rake to download and manage project's external dependencied, upd...
431,60125,345vendorificatorVendor everything. Stay sane.
543,06249,578capistrano-offroadCapistrano-offroad is a support package for using Capistrano with non-rails projects. ...
661,82066,732resque-pool-dynamicA class to dynamically manage number of processes and status in the resque pool with a ...
764,46049,578knife-dns-updateUpdates DNS based on Chef database
872,92656,740knife-annexKnife plugin implementing a git-annex backend in chef-vault
991,83080,608knife-dwimRun a correct knife command to upload file to Chef server
1098,59980,608metarakeA Rake extension to build multiple separate projects, published outside the repository
11102,65380,608knife-briefcaseKnife plugin to store GPG-encrypted data in Chef data bag
12127,004138,048gitconfigKeep your local configuration in git's config
13128,997138,048gitconfig-highlineHighline integration for gitconfig
14143,018101,206ipscriptablesRuby-driven IPTables