S2t2's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
142,30363,432twenty_sixteenA source for data about the 2016 United States Presidential election. Includes a "candi...
269,09663,432gtfs-data_exchangeThis gem has been renamed from *gtfs-data_exchange* to *gtfs_data_exchange_api*. See ht...
383,66041,916open_fec_apiA ruby interface to the Open Federal Elections Commission (FEC) API. Returns data about...
494,91963,432citybikes_apiA ruby interface to the CityBikes API v2. Returns data about bike-share networks and st...
599,09663,432youtube_data_apiA ruby library interface to the YouTube Data API. Parses channel, playlist, and video d...
6112,90930,305s3_syncSecurely sync (upload and download) files with Amazon Simple Storage Service (s3). Spec...
7149,88663,432gtfs_data_exchange_apiA ruby wrapper for the gtfs-data-exchange.com api. List all agencies, or find a specifi...
8151,12163,432gtfs-metaExtracts feed data, manages feed versions, and extends the feed specification to includ...
9151,97763,432github_contributions_apiA ruby interface to the GitHub Contributions Archive API (https://githubcontributions.i...
10154,24641,916politico_rssA ruby interface to POLITICO RSS feeds. Includes feed contents and metadata.
11156,53063,432google_sheet_readerA ruby library for extracting spreadsheet data from Google Drive. Performs a custom ETL...
12161,54663,432law_school_outcomesLaw schools accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA) publish in a standardized ...
13169,77763,432my_bannerThis program processes detailed schedule information from your school's Ellucian Banner...