Criteo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,5032,040diplomatDiplomat is a simple wrapper for Consul
210,59816,697consul-templaterbA ruby implementation of Consul Template with support of erb templating with hi-perform...
310,87035,920vagrant-winrmA Vagrant 1.6+ plugin that adds new command to extends WinRM communication features.
412,3309,434knife-changelogFacilitate access to cookbooks changelog
519,36135,920cookbook-releaseProvide primitives (and rake tasks) to release a cookbook
629,19242,025cassbackThis is a tool that allows creating backups of Cassandra and pushing them into HDFS.
729,96753,556mongodb-graphiteThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
834,42686,038diplomatic_bagToolbox for Consul
964,15686,038chef-abAB test like chef conf deployement
1065,74728,793kitchen-vagrant_winrmKitchen::Driver::VagrantWinRM - A Test Kitchen Driver using Vagrant-WinRM
1177,65631,663knife-partial-searchImprove usual knife commands thanks to partial-search
12111,08886,038es-dumpThe data is dumped as JSON objects into the output file