Wvengen's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,69119,893acsvA wrapper for Ruby's standard CSV class that auto-detects column separator and file enc...
211,33763,432brightcontentBrightcontent, yet another Rails CMS / admin panel
311,35941,916brightcontent-coreBrightcontent core
431,94263,432food_ingredient_parserFood products often contain an ingredient list of some sort. This parser tries to r...
535,59163,432food_fish_parserFood products that contain fish sometimes indicate details like fishing area, metho...
672,54663,432tiered_category_expressionsTiered category expressions
775,12122,084rest-scrapydREST client for the Scrapyd API, built with rest-core.
8117,31263,432nutriscoreNutri-score computation for food products.
9133,21663,432tokkensTokkens makes it easy to apply a vector space model to text documents, targeted tow...
10176,93730,305rails_admin_tinymceTinyMCE editor for rails_admin