Commondream's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,90442,025tconsoletconsole allows Rails developers to easily and quickly run their tests as a whole or in...
214,06486,038paydayPayday is a library for rendering invoices. At present it supports rendering invoic...
325,99817,852cielo24This gem allows you to interact with the cielo24 public REST API.
426,44118,833mathsYour friendly neighborhood console calculator
547,50386,038chattyprocLibrary for communicating between forked processes.
659,29486,038datastoryTell stories about data and share your work.
770,59635,920moving_wordsParse and work with captions.
883,08186,038stackdeployStack Deploy makes it possible to deploy to CloudFormation by updating stack parameters.
985,69653,556rcov_pluginrcov_plugin adds the rake tasks that you need to measure coverage in your Rails project
10128,54353,556cwlloggercwllogger logs from Ruby with json data, suitable for use with Amazon CloudWatch Logs
11135,35486,038s3toolsSome simple commands to make working with S3 a bit easier.
12136,21586,038captionParse and work with captions.
13136,72486,038bayesabCommand line tool and library for analyzing Bayesian A/B tests.