#848's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,1165,242gem-helperA lightweight shim for managing gems from a geminstaller.yml file
217,15661,367fdlcapa set of capistrano recipies we use regularly at Factory Design Labs
327,58918,157tangerineOoyala Backlot API Wrapper. Read more about the Ooyala Backlot API at http://www.ooyala...
448,20561,367factorylabs-activewarehouse-etlActiveWarehouse ETL is a pure Ruby Extract-Transform-Load application for loading data ...
550,32161,367factorylabs-adapter_extensionsProvides various extensions to the Rails ActiveRecord adapters.
655,70261,367akamai_bookmarkletQuick and dirty sinatra app to enable bookmarklet purging of akamai repos
756,56361,367akpurgeBasic Sinatra app to execute an akamai purge
883,23761,367factorylabs-casrack_the_authenticatorCAS Authentication via Rack Middleware
9118,61861,367factorylabs-auto_taggerHelps you automatically create tags for each stage in a multi-stage deploment and deplo...
10119,42061,367factorylabs-castronautYour friendly, cigar smoking authentication dicator... From Space!
11119,53961,367fdl_delayed_jobDelayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...
12119,58561,367factorylabs-newrelic_rpmNew Relic RPM is a Ruby performance management system, developed by New Relic, Inc (htt...