Chriscressman's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,30527,062strftime-railsstrftime for JavaScript, packaged for the Rails asset
25,32425,404webcomponentsjs-railswebcomponentsjs packaged for the Rails asset pipeline.
38,28749,619phantomjs_polyfill-railsFunction.prototype.bind polyfill for PhantomJS packaged for the Rails asset pipeline.
49,29966,440requestanimationframe_polyfill-railsrequestAnimationFrame polyfill packaged for the Rails
510,24066,440jquery_menu_aim-railsjQuery-menu-aim packaged for the Rails asset pipeline.
611,89424,070workareaWorkarea is an enterprise-grade Ruby on Rails commerce platform.
711,91366,440weblinc-modernizr-railsA custom build of the Modernizr JavaScript library packaged for the Rails asset pipelin...
812,958108,739weblinc-wysihtml5-railsA fork of the WYSIHTML5 JavaScript library packaged for the Rails asset pipeline for us...
914,57225,404workarea-coreProvides application code, seed data, plugin infrastructure, and other core parts of th...
1014,64127,062workarea-testingProvides tooling for writing tests for the Workarea Commerce Platform.
1114,64724,070workarea-adminProvides site administration functionality for the Workarea Commerce Platform.
1214,67510,737workarea-storefrontProvides user-facing ecommerce storefront functionality for the Workarea Commerce Platf...