Simplybusiness's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,3693,942twigletLike a log, only smaller.
25,6373,941simplycopRequire this gem in your application to use Simply Business common rubocop rules.
36,5669,732snowplow_ruby_duidA gem that exposes the Snowplow domain userid in Rack applications. Also allows you to ...
47,57611,862rutabagaAllows using feature from within RSpec and is built on top of Turnip
515,193108,739divisioProvides a splitting framework similar to AB testing
618,20366,440flip_fabA gem providing persistent, per-user feature flipping to Rack applications.
720,24918,065rabbit_feedA gem providing asynchronous event publish and subscribe capabilities with RabbitMQ.
815,24461,853TrRMIteBuild real-time telephony systems using event sourcing
930,58714,852weasyprintUses weasyprint to create PDFs using HTML
1023,34961,853kafka_liteExperiment with the unified log and with event sourcing, _sans_ Kafka!
1154,21231,995kitcatinitially created for data migrations. Provides logging, progess bar and graceful handling
1284,69441,117rulezillaRules DSL
13153,615108,739casquadePlaceholder: A CQRS framework for AWS Lambda, Kinesis and DynamoDB