1 | 5,369 | 3,942 | twiglet | Like a log, only smaller. |
2 | 5,637 | 3,941 | simplycop | Require this gem in your application to use Simply Business common rubocop rules. |
3 | 6,566 | 9,732 | snowplow_ruby_duid | A gem that exposes the Snowplow domain userid in Rack applications. Also allows you to ... |
4 | 7,576 | 11,862 | rutabaga | Allows using feature from within RSpec and is built on top of Turnip |
5 | 15,193 | 108,739 | divisio | Provides a splitting framework similar to AB testing |
6 | 18,203 | 66,440 | flip_fab | A gem providing persistent, per-user feature flipping to Rack applications. |
7 | 20,249 | 18,065 | rabbit_feed | A gem providing asynchronous event publish and subscribe capabilities with RabbitMQ. |
8 | 15,244 | 61,853 | TrRMIte | Build real-time telephony systems using event sourcing |
9 | 30,587 | 14,852 | weasyprint | Uses weasyprint to create PDFs using HTML |
10 | 23,349 | 61,853 | kafka_lite | Experiment with the unified log and with event sourcing, _sans_ Kafka! |
11 | 54,212 | 31,995 | kitcat | initially created for data migrations. Provides logging, progess bar and graceful handling |
12 | 84,694 | 41,117 | rulezilla | Rules DSL |
13 | 153,615 | 108,739 | casquade | Placeholder: A CQRS framework for AWS Lambda, Kinesis and DynamoDB |