Taylorlapeyre's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,80751,220lita-github-pingerA Lita handler that detects github comment notifications and regurgitates a ping to the...
225,30251,220lita-howdoiCrawls Stack Overflow for the first answer it finds with a solution to some query.
347,47651,220lita-pullrequestsA Lita handler to help you keep track of your pull requests.
458,38051,220lita-message-routerThis handler allows you to specify as many 'mention names' as you want for your Lita ro...
561,67851,220lita-youtube-meA Lita handler that replies with a youtube URL when given a query.
674,05651,220lita-whoamiAllows you to tell Lita who people are.
7144,63751,220lita-urbanDefine words in Lita using Urban Dictionary
8145,54751,220lita-morinShows a Super Normal quote from Dave Morin when you mention him.
9152,18951,220lita-trello-listsDisplay your Trello lists through Lita.