Ldlsegovia's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,2001,801activeadmin_addonsSet of addons to help with the activeadmin ui
24,7929,154power-typesPower Types for Rails by Platanus
36,90715,915job_notifierRails engine built on top on Active Job gem to persist job results and notify job statu...
411,32311,638active_job_logRails engine to register jobs history, adding: job state, error feedback, duration, etc.
511,36813,199human_attributesGem to convert ActiveRecord attributes and methods to human readable attributes
612,74314,402parxerruby gem to parse data from different source types
719,01647,329bank_apiWrapper for chilean banks
820,57813,325send_grid_mailerIs an Action Mailer adapter for using SendGrid in a Rails application
921,08613,069potassiumAn application generator from Platanus
1029,55218,044punto_pagos_railsRails engine to manager transactions using acidlabs's puntopagos-ruby gem
1129,58374,510activeadmin_jobsIt's a Rails engine that allows you to play nice with Active Job in Active Admin provid...
1232,36812,872power_apiIt is a Rails engine that gathers a set of other gems and configurations designed to bu...
1337,68574,510admin_invitableAdminInvitable includes a generator to make devise invitable gem work with ActiveAdmin.
1448,57574,510rails_palletThis gem allows you: 1) perform multiple POST requests to create multiple files. 2) rel...
1549,97974,510hound-cliRuby CLI to generate style rules for several linters
1661,72918,044simplecov_linter_formatterLinter formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool
1763,04824,241paperclip_uploadThis gem allows you: 1) perform multiple POST requests to create multiple files. 2) rel...
1864,49774,510gemakerRuby CLI created to build Platanus' gems
1965,34315,642simplecov_text_formatterText formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool
2066,33530,170local_resourceRails engine to treat external resources as if they were local
2174,28118,044rubocop-platanusA RuboCop extension for enforcing Platanus best practices and code style.
2283,58830,170paperclip_attributesRails Engine built on top of Paperclip gem to add extra attributes to your attachments.
23123,33074,510repo_analyzerRails engine to extract technical debt
24146,83574,510rails-queue-itThis gem allows you to queue objects through a simple to use interface.
25170,73174,510cavendishReact Native + Expo project generator for Platanus