1 | 2,200 | 1,801 | activeadmin_addons | Set of addons to help with the activeadmin ui |
2 | 4,792 | 9,154 | power-types | Power Types for Rails by Platanus |
3 | 6,907 | 15,915 | job_notifier | Rails engine built on top on Active Job gem to persist job results and notify job statu... |
4 | 11,323 | 11,638 | active_job_log | Rails engine to register jobs history, adding: job state, error feedback, duration, etc. |
5 | 11,368 | 13,199 | human_attributes | Gem to convert ActiveRecord attributes and methods to human readable attributes |
6 | 12,743 | 14,402 | parxer | ruby gem to parse data from different source types |
7 | 19,016 | 47,329 | bank_api | Wrapper for chilean banks |
8 | 20,578 | 13,325 | send_grid_mailer | Is an Action Mailer adapter for using SendGrid in a Rails application |
9 | 21,086 | 13,069 | potassium | An application generator from Platanus |
10 | 29,552 | 18,044 | punto_pagos_rails | Rails engine to manager transactions using acidlabs's puntopagos-ruby gem |
11 | 29,583 | 74,510 | activeadmin_jobs | It's a Rails engine that allows you to play nice with Active Job in Active Admin provid... |
12 | 32,368 | 12,872 | power_api | It is a Rails engine that gathers a set of other gems and configurations designed to bu... |
13 | 37,685 | 74,510 | admin_invitable | AdminInvitable includes a generator to make devise invitable gem work with ActiveAdmin. |
14 | 48,575 | 74,510 | rails_pallet | This gem allows you: 1) perform multiple POST requests to create multiple files. 2) rel... |
15 | 49,979 | 74,510 | hound-cli | Ruby CLI to generate style rules for several linters |
16 | 61,729 | 18,044 | simplecov_linter_formatter | Linter formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool |
17 | 63,048 | 24,241 | paperclip_upload | This gem allows you: 1) perform multiple POST requests to create multiple files. 2) rel... |
18 | 64,497 | 74,510 | gemaker | Ruby CLI created to build Platanus' gems |
19 | 65,343 | 15,642 | simplecov_text_formatter | Text formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool |
20 | 66,335 | 30,170 | local_resource | Rails engine to treat external resources as if they were local |
21 | 74,281 | 18,044 | rubocop-platanus | A RuboCop extension for enforcing Platanus best practices and code style. |
22 | 83,588 | 30,170 | paperclip_attributes | Rails Engine built on top of Paperclip gem to add extra attributes to your attachments. |
23 | 123,330 | 74,510 | repo_analyzer | Rails engine to extract technical debt |
24 | 146,835 | 74,510 | rails-queue-it | This gem allows you to queue objects through a simple to use interface. |
25 | 170,731 | 74,510 | cavendish | React Native + Expo project generator for Platanus |