Chrisnelson's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,54116,826thor-railsExtensions to Thor for working within Rails environments
211,83312,138guard-jshintrbA Guard for jshintrb.
312,50477,834thegarage-gitxGit eXtensions for common development workflow
450,03977,834guard-jasmine-railsA Guard for Jasmine Rails.
559,65127,091newrelic-thorNewRelic instrumentation to Thor tasks
677,07154,488waitlistPre-launch email waiting list
786,57177,834guard-shellerGuard plugin to execute command line scripts when files change
8114,63877,834guard-shellexecGuard plugin to execute command line scripts when files change
9139,38754,488gaceGACE is a simple way to integrate content experiments into your Rails application