1 | 7,496 | 36,605 | thor-rails | Extensions to Thor for working within Rails environments |
2 | 11,778 | 97,699 | guard-jshintrb | A Guard for jshintrb. |
3 | 12,426 | 5,657 | thegarage-gitx | Git eXtensions for common development workflow |
4 | 49,883 | 53,223 | guard-jasmine-rails | A Guard for Jasmine Rails. |
5 | 59,939 | 97,699 | newrelic-thor | NewRelic instrumentation to Thor tasks |
6 | 77,037 | 36,605 | waitlist | Pre-launch email waiting list |
7 | 86,434 | 53,223 | guard-sheller | Guard plugin to execute command line scripts when files change |
8 | 114,458 | 53,223 | guard-shellexec | Guard plugin to execute command line scripts when files change |
9 | 139,479 | 97,699 | gace | GACE is a simple way to integrate content experiments into your Rails application |