Aleclarsen's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,0005,812active_record_distinct_onActiveRecordDistinctOn adds support for `DISTINCT ON` to ActiveRecord. At the time of t...
230,11416,613motionMotion extends Github's `view_component` to allow you to build reactive, real-time fron...
369,17751,488flicA Ruby implementation of the (Fliclib)[
4108,52151,488ruby_boxRubyBox allows the execution of untrusted Ruby code safely in a sandbox.
5118,59632,595hipaapotamusHipaapotamus is an amazing gem for amazing people
6118,656129,735rails_admin_redactorRails Admin Redactor
7135,20151,488animatorAnimator is a cleanly namespaced ActiveRecord plugin that hooks into the existing model...
8155,97751,488room_serviceRoom service is a tongue in cheek demo project for the Omaha Ruby Meetup that dynamical...