1 | 9,957 | 18,833 | dslh | It define Hash as a DSL gem. |
2 | 13,005 | 13,670 | kitchen-docker_cli | A Test Kitchen Driver(and Transport) for Docker native CLI |
3 | 31,704 | 23,626 | knife-helper | Helper and Command builder for knife (chef-server, knife-zero, etc) |
4 | 39,696 | 86,038 | fluent-plugin-specinfra_inventory | Specinfra Host Inventory Plugin for Fluentd |
5 | 50,462 | 86,038 | dashdog | Datadog dashboards management tool with Ruby DSL. |
6 | 63,422 | 86,038 | rezept | A tool to manage EC2 Systems Manager (SSM) Documents with programmable DSL. |
7 | 82,644 | 86,038 | rapis | Swagger as Ruby DSL and its deployment tool for Amazon API Gateway |
8 | 99,053 | 42,025 | kitchen-provisioner-local_shell | A Test-Kitchen Provisioner that execute some command from localhost. |
9 | 100,465 | 86,038 | amino | Get easily the information of Amazon EC2 Machine Images |
10 | 164,392 | 86,038 | catlass | Cloud Automation as Code with Cloud Automator (https://cloudautomator.com/en/) |
11 | 169,474 | 53,556 | kitchen-azure_vm | A Test Kitchen Driver for Azure Virtual Machine |