Waratuman's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,49121,532mlsRuby library for integrating with the 42Floors MLS
213,36242,025sunstoneA library for interacting with REST APIs. Similar to ActiveResource
313,99128,793standardapiStandardAPI makes it easy to expose a query interface for your Rails models
415,75418,833activerecord-filterA safe way to accept user parameters and query against your ActiveRecord Models
517,71812,408activerecord-sortA safe way to accept user parameters and order against your ActiveRecord Models
617,84318,351arel-extensionsAdds support for missing SQL operators and functions to Arel
724,22853,556activerecord-cached_atAllows ActiveRecord and Rails to use a `cached_at` column for the `cache_key` if available
869,16486,038activehistoryActiveHistory tracks and logs changes to your ActiveRecord models and relationships for...
9145,70886,038standard-apiStandardAPI makes it easy to expose a query interface for your Rails models