1 | 14,105 | 17,200 | cloudstrap | Strapping Boots to Clouds |
2 | 24,086 | 30,732 | concourse-github-status | GitHub Status resource for Concourse |
3 | 27,956 | 30,732 | ezmq | Syntactic sugar around FFI bindings for ZMQ, to stop C from seeping into your Ruby. |
4 | 29,345 | 14,623 | git-ready | git-ready gets you ready to work with an established team that already uses GitHub. |
5 | 31,086 | 57,505 | concourse-resource-rubygems | Concourse Resource for RubyGems |
6 | 31,871 | 19,502 | rakuna | Rakuna provides mixins to simplify Webmachine development |
7 | 34,454 | 57,505 | concourse-fuselage | Framework for Concourse Resources |
8 | 39,517 | 57,505 | hyperdock | Hypermedia API for Docker |
9 | 42,461 | 30,732 | cloudstrap-azure | Cloudstrap for Azure |
10 | 57,211 | 57,505 | concourse-technician | Troubleshoot Concourse without fly |
11 | 59,766 | 57,505 | kanban | Agile Workflow for Ruby Programs |
12 | 61,179 | 57,505 | git-notary | generates canonical version tags from versioning notes |
13 | 63,981 | 57,505 | redislike | redislike adds backend-independent support for redis-like list operations to any Moneta... |
14 | 69,819 | 22,984 | instacli | Instant CommandLine Interfaces - just add Objects! |
15 | 75,082 | 57,505 | path53 | Simplified Changes for Route53 |
16 | 78,926 | 57,505 | octokitty | Like busybox for the GitHub API |
17 | 79,799 | 57,505 | superluminal | Picking up where Ansible falls down. |
18 | 83,194 | 57,505 | metadata-v2 | A Ruby Interface to the Joyent Metadata Protocol (Version 2) |
19 | 84,795 | 57,505 | quickstart | Template-driven scaffolding. |
20 | 91,764 | 57,505 | rakuna-core | Reusable classes and mixins for Webmachine-powered projects. The intent of these is to ... |
21 | 97,090 | 57,505 | deputy53 | Delegates a subdomain to another zone with Route53 |
22 | 97,533 | 30,732 | rakuna-validation-json | Adds support for validating JSON objects against a JSON schema to your Webmachine resou... |
23 | 98,068 | 57,505 | btrfs | Ruby Objects for btrfs concepts |
24 | 98,904 | 57,505 | audit53 | a commandline tool to find stale DNS records in Route53 |
25 | 99,755 | 57,505 | rakuna-session-redis | Adds expiring session support to your Webmachine project, using Redis as a datastore |
26 | 100,993 | 57,505 | minecraft-pi | Control Minecraft Pi Edition from Ruby |
27 | 104,477 | 57,505 | burdened-acrobat | Library for finding load balancers, when you have too many |
28 | 104,895 | 57,505 | systemized | Exposes systemd components to Ruby |
29 | 105,069 | 57,505 | triton-ops | A Ruby Interface for Triton Operators |
30 | 105,826 | 57,505 | concourse-objects | Objects for Concourse |
31 | 106,020 | 57,505 | invocations | Drop-in alternative to procs and lambdas. |
32 | 111,929 | 57,505 | ansible_galaxy | Ruby wrapper for the Ansible Galaxy HTTP API |
33 | 112,584 | 57,505 | ansible-galaxy-sync | Commandline tool to sync Ansible Galaxy Metadata |
34 | 117,860 | 57,505 | rakuna-content-json | `rakuna-content-json` adds mixins for parsing and generating JSON |
35 | 118,114 | 57,505 | rakuna-authentication-github | Adds GitHub authentication strategies to your Webmachine resources |
36 | 118,365 | 57,505 | rakuna-data-redis | Adds support for redis to your Webmachine project, with autodetection |
37 | 118,452 | 57,505 | rakuna-integration-github | Adds GitHub integration via Octokit to your Webmachine project |
38 | 118,747 | 57,505 | rakuna-content-signature | Adds support for HMAC signatures with optional shared secrets to your Webmachine resources |
39 | 119,478 | 30,732 | laag | Simplifies platform-native dependency management |
40 | 123,300 | 30,732 | colstrom-rtanque | RTanque is a game for programmers. Players program the brain of a tank and then send th... |
41 | 125,567 | 30,732 | laag-libsodium | Library as a Gem - libsodium |
42 | 125,567 | 57,505 | dbviz | Visualizes Database Relations |
43 | 126,560 | 57,505 | objectification | Builds arbitrary objects from hashes |
44 | 127,713 | 57,505 | daybreak-serializer-msgpack | Adds a MessagePack Serializer for Daybreak |
45 | 130,194 | 57,505 | kernel-let | Monkey patch adding Kernel#let for Scheme-style variable bindings. |
46 | 131,259 | 30,732 | laag-libpng | Library as a Gem - libpng |
47 | 131,360 | 30,732 | laag-libzmq | Library as a Gem - libzmq |
48 | 132,477 | 57,505 | pareidolia | Clouding Coherently |
49 | 132,986 | 30,732 | laag-libjpeg-turbo | Library as a Gem - libjpeg-turbo |
50 | 133,425 | 30,732 | laag-libtiff | Library as a Gem - libtiff |
51 | 144,269 | 57,505 | drone-hunter | Hunts for Drone CI files across many repositories |
52 | 153,620 | 57,505 | drone-ci | Ruby Interface to the Drone CI API |
53 | 155,746 | 30,732 | self_identity | Allowing code to understand its own functionality. |
54 | 159,484 | 30,732 | laag-harfbuzz | Library as a Gem - harfbuzz |
55 | 159,639 | 30,732 | laag-freetype2 | Library as a Gem - freetype2 |
56 | 159,714 | 30,732 | laag-fontconfig | Library as a Gem - fontconfig |
57 | 160,565 | 30,732 | laag-libczmq | Library as a Gem - libczmq |
58 | 160,668 | 57,505 | colstrom-fidgit | Fidgit is a GUI library built on Gosu/Chingu |
59 | 160,924 | 57,505 | colstrom-ruby_armor | colstrom's fork of Spooner/ruby_armor |
60 | 162,641 | 57,505 | wildcard-dnsd | Wildcard DNS Daemon |
61 | 163,142 | 30,732 | laag-nasm | Library as a Gem - nasm |
62 | 163,352 | 30,732 | laag-xz | Library as a Gem - xz |