Colstrom's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,922108,042cloudstrapStrapping Boots to Clouds
223,86140,597concourse-github-statusGitHub Status resource for Concourse
327,70816,926ezmqSyntactic sugar around FFI bindings for ZMQ, to stop C from seeping into your Ruby.
429,09316,926git-readygit-ready gets you ready to work with an established team that already uses GitHub.
530,83948,759concourse-resource-rubygemsConcourse Resource for RubyGems
631,56140,597rakunaRakuna provides mixins to simplify Webmachine development
734,19665,653concourse-fuselageFramework for Concourse Resources
839,33665,653hyperdockHypermedia API for Docker
942,311108,042cloudstrap-azureCloudstrap for Azure
1056,971108,042concourse-technicianTroubleshoot Concourse without fly
1159,507108,042kanbanAgile Workflow for Ruby Programs
1260,89527,052git-notarygenerates canonical version tags from versioning notes
1363,72948,759redislikeredislike adds backend-independent support for redis-like list operations to any Moneta...
1469,474108,042instacliInstant CommandLine Interfaces - just add Objects!
1574,99165,653path53Simplified Changes for Route53
1678,700108,042octokittyLike busybox for the GitHub API
1779,62765,653superluminalPicking up where Ansible falls down.
1883,062108,042metadata-v2A Ruby Interface to the Joyent Metadata Protocol (Version 2)
1984,441108,042quickstartTemplate-driven scaffolding.
2091,331108,042rakuna-coreReusable classes and mixins for Webmachine-powered projects. The intent of these is to ...
2196,84435,376deputy53Delegates a subdomain to another zone with Route53
2297,17665,653rakuna-validation-jsonAdds support for validating JSON objects against a JSON schema to your Webmachine resou...
2397,872108,042btrfsRuby Objects for btrfs concepts
2498,707108,042audit53a commandline tool to find stale DNS records in Route53
2599,404108,042rakuna-session-redisAdds expiring session support to your Webmachine project, using Redis as a datastore
26100,689108,042minecraft-piControl Minecraft Pi Edition from Ruby
27104,360108,042burdened-acrobatLibrary for finding load balancers, when you have too many
28104,481108,042systemizedExposes systemd components to Ruby
29104,946108,042triton-opsA Ruby Interface for Triton Operators
30105,61748,759concourse-objectsObjects for Concourse
31106,541108,042invocationsDrop-in alternative to procs and lambdas.
32111,568108,042ansible_galaxyRuby wrapper for the Ansible Galaxy HTTP API
33112,276108,042ansible-galaxy-syncCommandline tool to sync Ansible Galaxy Metadata
34117,494108,042rakuna-content-json`rakuna-content-json` adds mixins for parsing and generating JSON
35117,659108,042rakuna-authentication-githubAdds GitHub authentication strategies to your Webmachine resources
36117,92265,653rakuna-data-redisAdds support for redis to your Webmachine project, with autodetection
37117,971108,042rakuna-integration-githubAdds GitHub integration via Octokit to your Webmachine project
38118,39965,653rakuna-content-signatureAdds support for HMAC signatures with optional shared secrets to your Webmachine resources
39119,94348,759laagSimplifies platform-native dependency management
40123,15048,759colstrom-rtanqueRTanque is a game for programmers. Players program the brain of a tank and then send th...
41125,489108,042dbvizVisualizes Database Relations
42126,414108,042objectificationBuilds arbitrary objects from hashes
43126,43365,653laag-libsodiumLibrary as a Gem - libsodium
44127,655108,042daybreak-serializer-msgpackAdds a MessagePack Serializer for Daybreak
45130,027108,042kernel-letMonkey patch adding Kernel#let for Scheme-style variable bindings.
46132,21965,653laag-libpngLibrary as a Gem - libpng
47132,308108,042pareidoliaClouding Coherently
48132,40465,653laag-libzmqLibrary as a Gem - libzmq
49134,09448,759laag-libjpeg-turboLibrary as a Gem - libjpeg-turbo
50134,51065,653laag-libtiffLibrary as a Gem - libtiff
51147,63327,052drone-hunterHunts for Drone CI files across many repositories
52155,07965,653self_identityAllowing code to understand its own functionality.
53159,06835,376drone-ciRuby Interface to the Drone CI API
54159,21965,653laag-harfbuzzLibrary as a Gem - harfbuzz
55159,41065,653laag-freetype2Library as a Gem - freetype2
56159,49165,653laag-fontconfigLibrary as a Gem - fontconfig
57160,06165,653colstrom-fidgitFidgit is a GUI library built on Gosu/Chingu
58160,330108,042colstrom-ruby_armorcolstrom's fork of Spooner/ruby_armor
59160,57965,653laag-libczmqLibrary as a Gem - libczmq
60162,09765,653wildcard-dnsdWildcard DNS Daemon
61163,39265,653laag-nasmLibrary as a Gem - nasm
62163,59065,653laag-xzLibrary as a Gem - xz