1 | 8,942 | 18,158 | lamian | Add logs to your error messages, using exception_notifier or smth like it |
2 | 9,073 | 5,905 | rubocop-config-umbrellio | This gem provides default rubocop settings for Umbrellio projects |
3 | 31,620 | 63,432 | verifly | An api to run sequential checks like 'ActiveModel::Validations' do, but with generic me... |
4 | 49,482 | 63,432 | xquery | # XQuery
[![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/JelF/xquery](https://badges.gitter.im/J... |
5 | 73,912 | 63,432 | can_camel | CanCamel allows to manage access levels with all the power of cancan style (saving sema... |
6 | 143,445 | 63,432 | skip-exception-notifying | Adds `skip_notifying!` method to exceptions, which disables exception_notifier for it |