Vasilakisfil's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,60121,627active_hash_relationSimple gem that allows you to run multiple ActiveRecord::Relation using hash. Perfect f...
221,93533,893simple_amsActiveModel Serializers, simplified.
334,31261,367rspec-api_helpersRspec matchers for APIs
435,73825,716rack-reqorderRequest recorder and analyzer for rack apps
583,39361,367rack-preferSimple gem that parses the HTTP prefer header.
684,58761,367active_cashWrite a longer description or delete this line.
785,89241,086api_bombSimple gem that allows you to test/measure your API performance.
888,79029,456rails_http_optionsSimple gem that makes it easy to handle HTTP OPTIONS requests in Rails.
996,72129,456mongoid_hash_querySimple gem that allows you to run any Mongoid query using a hash API. Perfect for RESTf...
10110,43961,367flexible_permissionsRemoves black and white pundit policy and adds flexible permissions for attributes/asso...
11116,10361,367rubycas-server-memoryMemory adapter for RubyCAS Server
12135,14161,367class_profilerSimple class performance profiler with some metaprogramming alcohol
13152,51141,086middleman-prismicMiddleman extension for Prismic
14158,15041,086namespaced_mixinNamespace your mixins in your classes.