Emilioforrer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,2097,939haml_coffee_assetsCompile Haml CoffeeScript templates in the Rails asset pipeline.
247,95614,438resourcesIt's a gem that help's you to create CRUD controllers for your models in a very fast an...
381,50763,432support_utilsSupportUtils is a collection of utility classes, helpers and standard library extension...
4138,57663,432autoload_pathautoload_path it’s a very simple gem that allows you to search through a folder and it’...
5144,15863,432engine_routerRouter system for engines so it doesn't load routes twice.
6150,82763,432uiboxDescription of Uibox.
7153,39841,916rubotronCore gem of the Rubotron development framework.
8164,29763,432pawDescription of Paw.
9174,64163,432panzerSet of ruby design pattern objects to implement in your project