St0012's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1210152rdocRDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects. RDoc includes the ...
2624153relineAlternative GNU Readline or Editline implementation by pure Ruby.
3666158irbInteractive Ruby command-line tool for REPL (Read Eval Print Loop).
45,1802,090ruby-lsp-rspecRSpec addon for ruby-lsp
57,0346,069tracerA Ruby tracer
67,0382,050repl_type_completorType based completion for REPL.
713,31229,456object_tracerobject_tracer lets you understand what your Ruby objects do without digging into the code
820,07212,736tapping_devicetapping_device lets you understand what your Ruby objects do without digging into the code
929,52525,716html-pipeline-youtubeA html-pipeline filter that converts youtube url into iframe
1036,32529,456flavorsSimple and flexible preferences integration for ActiveRecord models.
1184,27141,086factory_factory_girlA gem that helps you generate your factory files.
1287,60861,367power_traceBacktrace (Stack traces) are essential information for debugging our applications. Howe...
1398,22861,367spring-commands-rescuerescue command for spring
14109,49061,367crowd_funding_parserA crowd-funding platform parser
15117,26461,367action_notifierAn abstract layer for Rails app to send notifications.
16118,44841,086safe_finderSafeFinder lets you define model's null_object through simple DSL, and returns it when ...
17118,53461,367html-pipeline-flickrA html-pipeline filter that converts flickr url into a linkable image
18137,00561,367active_job-cronIt provides functionality for actibe_jobs being triggered recurrently.
19159,83661,367zubotWrite a longer description or delete this line.
20173,97261,367ruby_tracerA Ruby tracer
21177,01661,367ruby-debuggerWrite a longer description or delete this line.
22179,79761,367irb-aiIRB-AI is an experimental project that explores various ways to enhance users' IRB expe...