Tomdalling's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1602423aes_key_wrapA Ruby implementation of AES Key Wrap, a.k.a RFC 3394, a.k.a NIST Key Wrap.
24,8645,472rschemaSchema-based validation and coercion for Ruby data structures, inspired by Prismati...
312,6626,566resonadObjects that represent success or failure
414,13413,218value_semanticsGenerates modules that provide conventional value semantics for a given set of attribut...
531,35821,627byebug-skipperAdditional commands for Byebug that skip over garbage frames
668,42733,893jekyll-include_snippetInclude snippets of text from external files into your markdown
7108,08661,367rspec-declarative_requestsA standardized structure for request specs in Rails.
8120,27661,367ecevalEvaluates Ruby code embedded in markdown, merging results