1 | 664 | 506 | grape | A Ruby framework for rapid API development with great conventions. |
2 | 844 | 591 | grape-entity | Extracted from Grape, A Ruby framework for rapid API development with great conventions. |
3 | 11,579 | 12,408 | sidekiq-postpone | Bulk-pushes jobs to Sidekiq when you need it to. |
4 | 14,559 | 11,530 | capistrano-shell | Opens SSH shell on remote host in current release directory |
5 | 16,217 | 86,038 | capistrano-friday | You better stab yourself if you deploy on friday! |
6 | 36,911 | 86,038 | sidekiq-bunch | Lightweight implementation of job bunches. |
7 | 67,979 | 42,025 | ann | Nothing special, just method annotations done right! |
8 | 76,926 | 53,556 | nested_record | ActiveModel mapper for JSON fields |
9 | 82,219 | 53,556 | kyotocabinet-ruby-reanimated | Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simp... |
10 | 118,411 | 86,038 | tricky_signals | Escaping Ruby's Signal.trap! |
11 | 140,751 | 86,038 | rack-with_sequel | Rack middleware that explicitely acquires a Sequel connection from the pool per request |
12 | 152,205 | 86,038 | descendants_fetcher | Dynamically fetch subclasses and deep descendants! |
13 | 157,414 | 86,038 | function_object | Just nice callable objects, nothing else |