Schwad's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
129,35974,510CanCanCanSeeAllows user to access read-only list of roles and abilities in controller and vie
256,16374,510schwad_performance_loggerTrack your memory and time performance in console, csv and/or logs.
365,87174,510inspecstyleInSpecStyle allows InSpec developers to write code with predictable styling and in a se...
485,32447,329inspec-pdfInSpec plugin for PDF generation.
5118,36733,946oceans_deficienciesIncludes up to date list of vessel deficiencies available via a rake task.
6122,42247,329chat_gpt_error_handlerHelpful ChatGpt hints for your Rails app
7145,82674,510shoelace-rails-uiRailsified Shoelace style
8146,22474,510rubocop-inspecstyleInSpecStyle allows InSpec developers to write code with predictable styling and in a se...
9154,89674,510rockpaperscissorsschwadto install do gem install rockpaperscissorsschwad . Then you specify the number of play...
10157,95574,510scarpeScarpe - shoes but running on webview
11158,08874,510webview_rubyRuby bindings for webview
12161,03574,510hobixthe white pantsuit of weblahhing
13164,69647,329portal_gunThis gem allows you to run a Terminal command with a supplied date in ruby format and g...
14168,96974,510jquery-datatables-date-deThis gem allows you to include the German Datesorting plugin needed to sort German form...
15169,04474,510deep_merge-railsA gemified implementation of Rails' #deep_merge
17174,57147,329lacciLacci - a portable Shoes DSL with switchable display backends, part of Scarpe
18175,68574,510scarpe-componentsReusable components for Scarpe display libraries
19175,97174,510etanniRuby templating engine from innate
20178,26374,510yabenchYet Another Benchmarking Library
21178,68974,510schwad_hello_worlde a longer description or delete this line.
22180,88474,510scarpe-wasmA WASM display library for Scarpe.