Pjump's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
144,84993,110gemspec# Gemspec Gemspec is a convention-over-configuration library for creating DRY ruby gem...
259,10229,088dry_option_parserSave keystrokes with OptionParser while using more or less the same API.
370,66637,102attach_functionMacro to attach a module function to an object by fixing its first argument to self
478,74693,110human_bytesConvert bytesizes into a human-readable format Either uses decimal byte prefixes or pr...
585,64093,110ivyxxcspcqlaocvjbghawvbdartwsfffurhnqzlwvsbgieweawfntuwecdcminmiaunqteqgbrfuxppntjdvyvsswxwepnbfqstnrnsotrhndihkudyahthaxatviwrwtgllwbqhibouqctrxtypacI hope I didn't take up a gem name somebody else wanted
6147,83266,216core_xMixins to extend the core with
7151,61066,216xlmydsykwnrfbnvjffqcokoorkbskzzhrtgnzxkapmjtffjfkwcvwklmsrzwfiatwigrvmftpbybbeqiI hope I didn't take up a gem name somebody else wanted
8152,63593,110gemspec-bumpA flexible and concise version bumper that can, in a single command, take care of all t...
9155,07493,110rake-pluginNothin, just cybersquattin'