Jgnagy's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
120,06963,432skull_islandA Ruby SDK for Kong
238,95212,386authify-apiAuthify API Server library
354,05115,400rffdbA demonstration gem
454,21725,458authify-coreAuthify Core library
559,29530,305doableA framework for automating tasks with ease
659,56041,916authify-middlewareAuthify Middleware library
769,19163,432waylon-coreThe core components of the Waylon bot framework for Ruby
869,55741,916bullionRuby ACME v2 Certificate Authority
969,79812,967metatronSo meta
1070,21363,432waylonWrapper gem to ease the installation of the Waylon Bot Framework
11120,99941,916authifyAuthify Identity Management Service
12157,59663,432waylon-wordleA Waylon Skill to allow your bot to play Wordle with you
13162,35963,432connectedA Ruby object-oriented search library for directed and undirected graphs based loosely ...
14163,37741,916waylon-slackFull Slack integration for the Waylon Bot Framework
15163,90863,432mccrackenA JSON API Spec client for Ruby
16166,72563,432penelope-corePenelope Core library
17167,06763,432penelopePenelope Task Queuing Library
18167,20763,432penelope-serverPenelope Server library
19167,23663,432penelope-workerPenelope Worker library
20174,04863,432waylon-jokesA Waylon Skill for telling (mostly dad) jokes
21177,43363,432waylon-diceA Waylon Skill that allows rolling dice
22177,48063,432waylon-db2docsA Waylon Skill for looking up IBM Db2 Documentation