Jakobsack's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
148,55963,432tilia-httpPort of the sabre-http library to ruby. The tilia_http library provides utilities for ...
267,12663,432tilia-vobjectPort of the sabre-vobject library to ruby The VObject library for PHP allows you to ea...
368,04663,432tilia-davPort of the sabre-dav library to ruby WebDAV Framework for ruby
476,53863,432tilia-xmlPort of the sabre-xml library to ruby. sabre/xml is an XML library that you may not hate.
5118,17663,432tilia-uriFunctions for making sense out of URIs.
6118,45863,432tilia-eventtilia-event is a library for lightweight event-based programming.