Quirkey's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19932,669vegasVegas aims to solve the simple problem of creating executable versions of Sinatra/Rack ...
22,8145,287resque-statusresque-status is an extension to the resque queue system that provides simple trackable...
36,10057,505resque-metricsA simple Resque plugin that times and saves some simple metrics for Resque jobs back in...
47,0975,803static_modelStaticModel provides a Base class much like ActiveRecord which supports reading from a ...
57,60912,059rediskRedisk includes Redisk::IO which is ~ Ruby's stdlib IO. It can be used with stdlib's Lo...
624,63822,984restful_queryRestfulQuery provides a simple interface in front of a complex parser to parse speciall...
725,57757,505jimjim is your friendly javascript library manager. He downloads, stores, bundles, vendors...
826,39430,732minitest-displayPatches MiniTest to allow for an easily configurable output. For Ruby 1.9 :Datches Mini...
929,20130,732remix-stashRemix your memcache
1035,01057,505sinatra-gensinatra-gen generates a common file structure and basic app files for a web app utilizi...
1136,66330,732redisedredised provides a single module `Redised` that when included in your class provides a ...
1236,89130,732gemboxA sinatra based interface for browsing and admiring your gems.
1337,68957,505downlowDownlow provides an easy way to fetch files or archives and extract them with minimal h...
1440,08657,505socasoca is a different way of writing apps for CouchDB. The structure is up to you.
1541,45457,505imanipSuper-quick image resizing using the ImageMagick command line tools
1642,76657,505stackprof-remotestackprof-remote consists of a middleware for easy creation and retreival of ...
1755,82457,505qadminAn [almost] one command solution for adding admin interfaces/resources to a Rails app.
1880,60657,505rails-boot-reportingPatches, specifically for rails 2 (now) that print out require and boot times for diffe...
1993,43657,505purseA simple but secure password storage solution using git and crypt
20119,93257,505qcontentModules and Mixins for extending ActiveRecord models for content management systems
21124,96730,732ofocus_syncA simple sync tool for OmniFocus
22126,80357,505sinatra-sammyA Sinatra extension that turns a Sinatra app into a one page app using the teamwork of ...