1 | 9,448 | 8,188 | govdelivery-tms | A reference implementation, written in Ruby,
to interact with GovD... |
2 | 15,736 | 26,609 | sidekiq-retries | Enhanced retry logic for Sidekiq workers |
3 | 30,221 | 86,038 | tms_client | A reference implementation, written in Ruby,
to interact with GovD... |
4 | 39,104 | 20,054 | jekyll-ramler | Generates Jekyll pages for overview, security, and
resource docum... |
5 | 47,339 | 22,512 | jekyll-code-example-tag | Provides a tag that allows you to include in your posts
and pages... |
6 | 65,167 | 86,038 | robopigeon | Gitlab ci, jenkins, bamboo, circleci all leave something to be desired - a tigher integ... |
7 | 104,733 | 86,038 | sync_readme | Converts markdown files and synchronizes them with confluence pages |
8 | 111,214 | 42,025 | jekyll-nested-menu-generator | Provides a tag that generates a nested navigation menu for
a speci... |
9 | 142,636 | 86,038 | encryptatron | Load and encrypt configuration files for configatron |
10 | 162,384 | 53,556 | govdelivery-crypt | Encrypt and decrypt things to your heart's content. |