Combostrike's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,02822,984soapy_cakeSimple client for the CAKE API (
222,31630,732bucket_cakeGet cakeproto objects from S3.
325,03919,502ad2games-ui_componentsUI components for ad2games projects
427,40157,505rails_migrate_mutexRuns Rails migrations in a Redis-backed mutex.
538,17657,505soapy_bingSimple client for the Bing Ads APIs (
650,81157,505adk2API client for adk2
752,64957,505easybillCreate invoices with Easybill
855,08057,505bluekaiSimple client for the BlueKai API (
961,07557,505soapy_yandexClient library for Yandex Money.
1078,97257,505importeurUniversal data importer
1182,21757,505bundle_notificationBundle many ActionMailer messages for the same recipient into a single email
1283,69257,505rocketfuel_apiRocketfuel API Client.
13136,05030,732tubemogul_apiTubemogul API Client.
14136,80357,505easybill-rest-clientA ruby wrapper for the Easybill REST API
15156,58457,505cs-rubocop-gitRuboCop for git diff.
16162,11957,505ruby-apicalypseMore informations related to Apicalypse can be found here: