Kkirsche's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
135,178103,630arbor_peakflow_rubyProvides access to the Arbor Peakflow SP 6.0 HTTPS API
237,078103,630Nessus6Gem for interacting with the Tenable Nessus 6 REST API.
364,952103,630net-netconfUpdated and maintained fork of the Juniper Ruby NetConf client. This is used to manage ...
468,13723,155elasticsearch_updateUpdates the elasticsearch instance from a deb or rpm on the local machine. Assumes elas...
572,202103,630medium-sdk-rubyRuby SDK for interacting with the Medium API
676,680103,630barkingBark: A Gem For Use By Individuals Looking to Retrieve Data From a Monit Server
783,12840,303rotten_tomatoesUnofficial wrapper for the complete Rotten Tomatoes v1.0 JSON API. Here, I work to prov...
8115,33640,303rubygems_apiFull featured RubyGems v1 API client using Hurley.
9155,35640,303destiny_apiA gem for interacting with the Destiny REST API. API Key is required.