Hiroyuki-sato's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,4547,084embulk-output-bigqueryEmbulk plugin that insert records to Google BigQuery.
212,86161,367embulk-parser-jsonpathParses JSON files with JSONPath read by other file input plugins.
356,06533,893embulk-filter-null_stringAn Embulk filter plugin to convert the matching string to NULL.
497,62761,367embulk-parser-apache-logParses Apache Log files read by other file input plugins.
5100,51461,367embulk-filter-calcCaculator filter plugin for Embulk
6110,79761,367embulk-plugin-input-roo-excelEmbulk input plugin to read xlsx files
8121,38261,367embulk-parser-sisimaiParses Sisimai Analyzer files read by other file input plugins.
9121,38261,367embulk-output-groongaDumps records to Groonga.
10141,15761,367embulk-parser-roo-excelParses Excel files(xlsx) read by other file input plugins.
11146,66661,367embulk-input-apache-dummy-logApache Dummy Log input plugin is an Embulk plugin that loads records from Apache Dummy ...
12163,67661,367embulk-parser-joni_regexpThe Embulk parser plugin for the Fluentd regex parser(Oniguruma) compatible.