Davetron5000's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1470468gliBuild command-suite CLI apps that are awesome. Bootstrap your app, add commands, optio...
24,2878,188methadoneMethadone provides a lot of small but useful features for developing a command-line app...
38,0165,363confidence-checkAssert that the conditions of your test are correct before testing
431,16486,038trac4rBasic ruby client library and command line interface for accessing Trac instances via i...
537,54886,038moocowBasic ruby client library for accessing Remember The Milk via their API
638,56942,025clean_testYou can easily make your plain Ruby Test::Unit test cases clean and clear with Given/Wh...
740,27953,556test_unit-givenWe don't need no stinkin' RSpec! Get all the fluency you want in your Test::Unit tests...
841,80186,038tricksterMake aweomse technical presentation with big fonts that size to fit, and awesome syntax...
943,52986,038endicia_rubyWrapper around Endicia's APIs
1046,86686,038bookingitWrite a code-heavy book in Markdown
1148,34953,556awesome-cliThe gem for Build Awesome Command-Line Applications with Ruby
1261,41986,038crazylegsCouldn't get two-legged OAuth working from existing Ruby libs, so this implements it "b...
1366,93431,663hlTo help with reading the results of grep without further reducing the output, hl will h...
1480,83286,038prag_eventsprag_events generates the XML format that Michael Swaine uses when creating the "events...
1584,61253,556hacerThis is an extremely simple API for creating and managing todo lists. The todo list is...
16104,25026,609with_cluesTemporarily add context to failing tests to get more information, such as what HTML was...
17110,32542,025optparse-plusOptparsePlus provides a lot of small but useful features for developing a command-line ...
18115,67328,793log_methodA nice log method for your Rails app that provides a ton of useful context in each mess...
19122,77753,556karelThis is a ruby implementation of Karel The Robot, a programming language designed for ...
20124,03016,697tachyonscss-railsUse Tachyons in the Rails Asset Pipeline
21133,53086,038webpack2-railsProduction-tested, JavaScript-first tooling to use Webpack 2 within your Rails application
22138,25842,025hkA description of your project
23149,19286,038trace_idSmall class and helpers to manage a request id from web to service calls to background ...
24159,46886,038usesDeclare that one classes uses an instance of another to help your code be a bit more su...
25175,33486,038rspec_test_dataCreate complex sets of test data using factories to allow re-use across tests or in see...
26183,04242,025brutNOT YET RELEASED - An opinionated web framework build on web standards