Tinco's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,08211,907frontappRuby client for Frontapp API
243,38521,291celluloid-websocketLets you make a websocket rack application using Celluloid.
348,44834,955ddp-serverDDP Protocol server for implementing Ruby DDP backends
453,28738,616ddp-server-rethinkdbWrite a DDP RethinkDB service using Ruby.
573,863112,197us-carbonCarbon client of the Union Station system.
676,367112,197rack_checkTool that checks a Ruby application server for Rack compliancy
776,416112,197nobrainer_streamsTemporary gem to add streams support to NoBrainer.
882,83687,206sheetsapiA simple API for writing to Google Sheets
983,300112,197us-mail-clientMail client of the Union Station system.
1094,86568,120activerecord-string-enumMake ActiveRecord 4's Enum store as strings instead of integers.
1198,720112,197smsmockSms mocker for twilio-ruby.
12112,92968,120entity_componentsSimple components for entities in Rails
13152,90351,018deep_cloneable_checkedUse this gem to enforce all associations explicitly cloned with deep_clone
14154,019112,197twistlock-controlLibrary for controlling Twistlock Provisioners