1 | 18,675 | 28,543 | txcatcher | Currently, the only job of this gem is to collect all new Bitcoin/Litecoin transactions... |
2 | 21,749 | 13,706 | string_master | Because every time I create a new webapp, I think about how I should process user-gener... |
3 | 21,909 | 20,663 | currency-rate | Fetches exchange rates from various sources and does the conversion |
4 | 23,519 | 59,086 | deplomat | Stack agnostic deployment system that uses bash and ssh commands |
5 | 32,429 | 35,677 | satoshi-unit | Converts various bitcoin denominations in Satoshis and back |
6 | 40,862 | 14,953 | frontend_notifier | Shows cute notifications in frontend. No need to manually create your own html/css/js t... |
7 | 46,839 | 35,677 | cssdryer2 | Parses dry css files and generates conventional css |
8 | 53,512 | 35,677 | logmaster | A wrapper around ruby stdlib Logger with emailing capabilities |
9 | 57,438 | 59,086 | straight-server | Accepts orders via http, returns payment info via http or streams updates via websocket... |
10 | 62,402 | 14,953 | mmmenu | Defines multilevel menu structures, uses custom html templates to render them. |
11 | 62,666 | 59,086 | straight-server-kit | Straight Server Kit is the official Ruby library for Straight Server's API |
12 | 63,262 | 59,086 | straight | An engine for the Straight payment gateway software. Requires no state to be saved (tha... |
13 | 67,791 | 59,086 | active_hash_fields | Adds nested fields to an AR model stored in a serialized field as hash |
14 | 74,142 | 59,086 | exception_master | Kinda like ExceptionNotification, but for Ruby, not just for Rails |
15 | 81,675 | 24,889 | crypto-unit | Converts various BTC and LTC denominations |
16 | 95,639 | 59,086 | bookchef | Parser and compiler for BookChef.xml format |
17 | 105,320 | 59,086 | ui_guiders | It's like "Guiders-JS", but easily customizable and less js-centric. |
18 | 110,747 | 59,086 | observable_roles | Thread-safe Observable pattern implementation with a queue |
19 | 116,855 | 59,086 | x-signature | Allows to create and validate cryptographic signatures on API requests |
20 | 118,233 | 35,677 | desktopen | A simple CLI util to open and position X windows. |
21 | 124,483 | 59,086 | webface_rails | Provides view helpers for creating components, standard component views and css, form b... |
22 | 124,799 | 59,086 | dropbox_server_backup | Backs up stuff from your server to your Dropbox account |
23 | 129,981 | 59,086 | specific_assets | Adds a couple of class and instance methods to controllers and views that help you load... |
24 | 146,575 | 59,086 | cashila-api | Wrapper for Cashila API |
25 | 156,928 | 59,086 | gatecoin-api | Wrapper for Gatecoin API |