Joshdholtz's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1257288fastlaneThe easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps
2436348securityInteract with the macOS Keychain
31,2394,118commander-fastlaneThe complete solution for Ruby command-line executables. Commander bridges the gap betw...
41,6441,606xcode-installDownload, install and upgrade Xcodes with ease.
51,9621,288fastlane-plugin-sentryUpload symbols to Sentry
62,0451,930xcovxcov is a friendly visualizer for Xcode's code coverage files
72,0771,679xcresultParses xcresult files for viewing test summaries and code coverages
82,6083,665trainerConvert xcodebuild plist and xcresult files to JUnit reports
92,737615fastlane-sirpA Ruby implementation of the Secure Remote Password protocol (SRP-6a). SiRP is a cr...
102,8262,457danger-xcovDanger plugin to validate the code coverage of the files changed.
112,8672,835fastlane-plugin-aws_s3Upload IPA and APK to S3
123,6603,089fastlane-plugin-appiconGenerate required icon sizes and iconset from a master application icon.
134,05439,646fastlane-plugin-trainerConvert xcodebuild plist files to JUnit reports
146,39528,297krausefx-shenzhenCLI for Building & Distributing iOS Apps (.ipa Files)
159,7231,855watchbuildGet a notification once your App Store Connect build is finished processing
1611,32221,965fastlane-plugin-carthage_cacheA Fastlane plugin that allows to cache Carthage/Build folder in Amazon S3.
1711,68443,535fastlane-plugin-firebase_test_labTest your app with Firebase Test Lab with ease using fastlane
1811,96010,315fastlane-plugin-clean_testflight_testersAutomatically remove TestFlight testers that are not actually testing your app
1912,75711,135danger-device_gridDanger plugin for the fastlane device grid.
2013,18213,729fastlane-plugin-rename_android_packageRenames Android package
2129,29916,519fastlane-plugin-ftpSimple ftp upload and download for Fastlane
2232,45326,251fastlane-plugin-android_keystoreGenerate an Android keystore file
2341,83524,564fastlane-plugin-github_actionHelper to setup GitHub actions for fastlane and match
2443,76568,530fastlane-plugin-aws_snsCreates AWS SNS platform applications
2549,04143,535exportationCLI tool of easy exporting, encrypting, and decrypting of certificates and private keys...
2650,89558,846fastlane-plugin-validate_appValidate your build before uploading to iTunes Connect
2758,57653,263fastlane_env_lanesFastlane environment specific lanes (implemented a bit hacky)
2865,82053,263dotenv_to_ciSet dotenv values in your CI provider
2966,89928,297fastlane-plugin-testfairyUpload IPA to TestFairy
3080,861117,678wassupA scriptable terminal dashboard
3196,319117,678jenkmqStart Jenkins job from IronMQ message - yeah yeah yeah
32118,09168,530fastlane-plugin-bomb_emoji💣💥 No more emojis
33132,13997,080fastlane-plugin-queueQueue up fastlane jobs