Joshdholtz's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1256294fastlaneThe easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps
2441373securityInteract with the macOS Keychain
31,2124,382commander-fastlaneThe complete solution for Ruby command-line executables. Commander bridges the gap betw...
41,6361,543xcode-installDownload, install and upgrade Xcodes with ease.
51,9651,535fastlane-plugin-sentryUpload symbols to Sentry
62,0431,947xcovxcov is a friendly visualizer for Xcode's code coverage files
72,0861,657xcresultParses xcresult files for viewing test summaries and code coverages
82,5984,015trainerConvert xcodebuild plist and xcresult files to JUnit reports
92,8192,358danger-xcovDanger plugin to validate the code coverage of the files changed.
102,8592,678fastlane-plugin-aws_s3Upload IPA and APK to S3
112,983644fastlane-sirpA Ruby implementation of the Secure Remote Password protocol (SRP-6a). SiRP is a cr...
123,6533,144fastlane-plugin-appiconGenerate required icon sizes and iconset from a master application icon.
134,02857,843fastlane-plugin-trainerConvert xcodebuild plist files to JUnit reports
146,35914,782krausefx-shenzhenCLI for Building & Distributing iOS Apps (.ipa Files)
1510,7937,681watchbuildGet a notification once your App Store Connect build is finished processing
1611,26018,696fastlane-plugin-carthage_cacheA Fastlane plugin that allows to cache Carthage/Build folder in Amazon S3.
1711,61127,184fastlane-plugin-firebase_test_labTest your app with Firebase Test Lab with ease using fastlane
1811,95012,392fastlane-plugin-clean_testflight_testersAutomatically remove TestFlight testers that are not actually testing your app
1912,7559,788danger-device_gridDanger plugin for the fastlane device grid.
2013,19010,328fastlane-plugin-rename_android_packageRenames Android package
2129,37820,780fastlane-plugin-ftpSimple ftp upload and download for Fastlane
2232,57416,865fastlane-plugin-android_keystoreGenerate an Android keystore file
2342,19517,665fastlane-plugin-github_actionHelper to setup GitHub actions for fastlane and match
2443,65857,843fastlane-plugin-aws_snsCreates AWS SNS platform applications
2548,97957,843exportationCLI tool of easy exporting, encrypting, and decrypting of certificates and private keys...
2650,79457,843fastlane-plugin-validate_appValidate your build before uploading to iTunes Connect
2758,50057,843fastlane_env_lanesFastlane environment specific lanes (implemented a bit hacky)
2865,88357,843dotenv_to_ciSet dotenv values in your CI provider
2967,58615,969fastlane-plugin-testfairyUpload IPA to TestFairy
3080,94957,843wassupA scriptable terminal dashboard
3196,22857,843jenkmqStart Jenkins job from IronMQ message - yeah yeah yeah
32118,13157,843fastlane-plugin-bomb_emoji💣💥 No more emojis
33132,18257,843fastlane-plugin-queueQueue up fastlane jobs