Freedomben's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,27030,305doryDory lets you forget about IP addresses and port numbers while you are developing your ...
221,53363,432slackbot_frdThe slack web api is good, but very raw. What you need is a great ruby framework to ab...
343,42163,432nexoformNexoform wraps Terraform to provide awareness for multiple environments. Nexoform also ...
455,29263,432kdbookbook writing in markdown made easy
564,34963,432nexocopNexocop makes it trivial to add rubocop linting to your project that will only check li...
689,36463,432method-traceAdds a MethodTrace.method_trace convenience function
7113,02441,916hash-dotAdds the JavaScript dot notation for accessing hash keys to ruby, so you can do my_hash...
8116,24230,305docker_janitorThe slack web api is good, but very raw.
9145,26063,432file-appendAdds a File.append convenience function
10153,82963,432kdCompiles a kramdown file to pdf and html. This can be done with the kramdown gem, but ...
11161,34730,305docker-janitorThe slack web api is good, but very raw.
12162,98363,432file_appendAdds a File.append convenience function
13171,15863,432hash-dot-evilDemonstrates a gem that masquerades as legitimate but steals your AWS credentials and s...