Alexclink's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
168,043131,601logbrarianUseful for archiving old logs
287,33352,145savage-fontgenUse individual svg files to generate a font file. Created for use in generating webfont...
389,99945,403github_backupAutomatically clones your github repos and makes git bundles
495,62261,354vhostCreate, enable, disable, and delete virtual hosts with ease.
5125,84974,615ruby-travelerGenerates the scaffolding for a new traveling ruby project
6129,18861,354do-dyndnsFinds the wan IPv4 address of the server it's running on and updates the corresponding ...
7132,55394,020lx_docsAutomatically gathers your routes into a machine readable json file and provides a DSL ...
8137,34674,615timesplitCalculate times with splits for running, cycling, swimming, or whatever else.
9141,38974,615timelapserThis gem records your screen in specified intervals and then stitches them together int...
10152,45494,020typifyTakes a sample text and generates words based on the charictarists of that text
11153,11094,020spaceraceReplace indentation in your source code. Meant to help deal with differences in coding ...
12155,56294,020mvscreenshotAutomatically move osx screenshots away from the desktop
13166,07874,615finddupsShows duplicate files within a list of directories and outputs as JSON.
14169,76094,020wordmixWords can still be readable when the first and last letter are in the same position... ...