Fundingcircle's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,99932,207fluent-plugin-gelfConverts fluentd log events into GELF format and sends them to Graylog
211,19712,414logaLog aggregation through unified logging middleware, while respecting the original log f...
323,36911,662pg_failoverHandle Postgres failover events gracefully using your favourite ORM.
424,05410,623sshkit-backends-netssh_globalA backend to be used in conjunction with Capistrano 3 and SSHKit to allow deployment on...
533,64519,379fluent-plugin-graylogSend logging information in JSON format via TCP to an instance of Graylog
635,65516,408gem-versionerA plugin for RubyGems which lets you pass in version strings via a environment variable.
747,28462,315riemann-cassandraGem for sending Cassandra metrics to Riemann.
852,49837,338hellgridDisplay gem versions used across your projects in a table
968,50145,403kafka_rest_clientRuby client for interacting with Kafka REST Proxy
1073,83462,315capistrano-ext-superusersCapistrano extension to run sensible userage