1 | 5,999 | 32,207 | fluent-plugin-gelf | Converts fluentd log events into GELF format and sends them to Graylog |
2 | 11,197 | 12,414 | loga | Log aggregation through unified logging middleware, while respecting the original log f... |
3 | 23,369 | 11,662 | pg_failover | Handle Postgres failover events gracefully using your favourite ORM. |
4 | 24,054 | 10,623 | sshkit-backends-netssh_global | A backend to be used in conjunction with Capistrano 3
and SSHKit to allow deployment on... |
5 | 33,645 | 19,379 | fluent-plugin-graylog | Send logging information in JSON format via TCP to an instance of Graylog |
6 | 35,655 | 16,408 | gem-versioner | A plugin for RubyGems which lets you pass in version strings via a environment variable. |
7 | 47,284 | 62,315 | riemann-cassandra | Gem for sending Cassandra metrics to Riemann. |
8 | 52,498 | 37,338 | hellgrid | Display gem versions used across your projects in a table |
9 | 68,501 | 45,403 | kafka_rest_client | Ruby client for interacting with Kafka REST Proxy |
10 | 73,834 | 62,315 | capistrano-ext-superusers | Capistrano extension to run sensible userage |