Zotherstupidguy's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,81335,920mushinmushin allows you to generate domain-specific frameworks and domain extenstions.
222,08142,025utterUtter is a Domain-specific Microservices Framework written in Ruby. Utter helps you div...
352,74186,038ssdSSD is an append-only, file-based, immutable key-value store for Microservices written ...
483,21153,556mushin_ext_tpbmushin ext for thepiratebay
5108,81186,038mushin_ext_ssdSSD is a ruby datastore
6108,85486,038mushin_dsf_bitBiT allows you to do everything BitTorrenty in Ruby
7109,03886,038mushin_ext_githuba mushin-ext for github
8109,05586,038titsTits is an art expermient that literally `puts` the message out aganist gender harrasment.
9129,82835,920mushin_ext_ruggya mushin ext of the ruby rugged gem
10158,16053,556hackspreecli for hackspree.com
11158,26786,038galeragalera is gonna be awesome
12160,98853,556kickasskickass is gonna be great
14161,99486,038mushin_dsf_gitpartyGitParty is a mushin-based DSF for doing all Git things
16162,29286,038mushin_ext_gitlapsemushin ext for gitlapses
17162,36453,556knuthsmall gem to help zotherstupidguy study cs stuff!
18162,87342,025kvstorea ruby keyvalue store
20170,99186,038codelapsea gem to interact with codelapse
21171,79486,038gitlapseGitlapse SDK gem