Himkt's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
136,11374,510sist02make reference via web api
246,45374,510sist02-clithis gem is to make references with sist02 in console
348,67947,329r_nlpnlp with ruby
460,85074,510rblearnrblearn (ruby-learn) provides methods for feature extracting and some algorithms.
580,26330,170pagerankIt provides you a simple and easy way to calculate pagerank.
681,92830,170ndleasy tool to access ndl API
784,45627,620polaris-nlpPolaris provides methods for polarity analysis (semantic orientations).
895,74847,329himtwiauthCome Soon
9110,97574,510bibtex2htmlBibtex2html convert bibtex item to html.
10154,83774,510klisthis gem is for klis
11157,13947,329MatRubyMatRuby provides you ways of matrices calculations.