Hito4t's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,1984,396embulk-input-mysqlSelects records from a table.
27,18410,676embulk-input-postgresqlSelects records from a table.
37,2018,315embulk-output-mysqlInserts or updates records to a table.
47,5099,321embulk-output-redshiftInserts or updates records to a table.
59,87110,145embulk-input-redshiftSelects records from a table.
610,09310,341embulk-output-postgresqlInserts or updates records to a table.
711,01914,136embulk-input-jdbcSelects records from a table.
813,43142,025embulk-input-oracleSelects records from a table.
913,70818,833embulk-input-sqlserverSelects records from a table.
1013,90826,609embulk-output-oracleInserts or updates records to a table.
1114,88828,793embulk-output-jdbcInserts or updates records to a table.
1218,14831,663embulk-output-sqlserverInserts or updates records to a table.
1327,29542,025embulk-output-db2Inserts or updates records to a table.
1437,10986,038embulk-input-db2Selects records from a table.
1578,27353,556embulk-input-filesplitEmbulk plugin for splitting input file
16147,46386,038embulk-parser-jdbc-schema-csvThis Embulk plugin extends CSV parser to define columns based on database meta data.