Tgxworld's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,9715,103message_busA message bus for rack
24,3335,312logsterUI for viewing logs in Rack
35,7885,460rails_multisiteMulti tenancy support for Rails
47,0877,565rails_failoverFailover for ActiveRecord and Redis
525,55561,367service_skeletonWhen you need to write a program that provides some sort of persistent service, there a...
633,32361,367benchmark_driver-output-rubybenchbenchmark_driver plugin to output result to RubyBench
757,65533,893minitest-nyan-catPrints a Nyan Cat trail for your test output
8117,47861,367singlishWrite Your Ruby Code in Singlish!
9157,84061,367discourse-redisA Ruby client that tries to match Redis' API one-to-one, while still providing an i...
10175,24841,086message_bus-http_clientA Ruby HTTP client for message bus