Tcollier's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,21116,697enumerated_constantsRuby mix-in that emulates the classic enum
235,53153,556bulk-processorBulk upload data in a file (e.g. CSV), process in the background, then send a success o...
344,40086,038whirled_peasVisualizer for Advent of Code solutions
456,13286,038dynosaurRun a rake task in a separate process (locally or on Heroku)
570,12486,038tcollier-commandoA simple command line interface builder.
682,25253,556distanceConvenience methods for ruby.
791,08486,038concurrent_iterableConcurrently evaluate items in an iterable
8116,68686,038tsp_runnerqScript to run a TSP solver and validate/measure its output.
9143,11542,025karel-interpreterA ruby-based Karel interpreter
10146,44186,038tcollier-sommelierRuby implementation of a Stable Marriage solver
11171,02986,038stable_marriageRuby implementation of a Stable Marriage solver