Diegohpl's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,15761,367shardsThe gem read a conf.yml file in a puppet project to know the multitenant sites and shar...
278,57021,627pingdomSet up the username, password and key using dotenv. Get checks, results
382,30761,367aws_instance_listThe target is get the instance lists of AWS accounts. Return array of data.
498,25161,367print_primes_tableThe program run from a command line and print to screen one table. Across the top and d...
5113,56661,367game_shuffle_cardsWith the class Game you can handle a deck of cards and setting the players and the card...
6115,50929,456google_drive_handlerTo set up the scope in a easy way with a dotenv setup
7118,00261,367search_json_dataA search for Lisp Common should match a programming language named "Common Lisp"
8141,22961,367bitmap_cmd_editorThe input consists of a string containing a sequence of commands, where a command is re...
9141,60561,367uptime_reports_spreadsheetGet a report and write it in a google sheet.
10166,39861,367central_authentication_clientThis gem is to create and get data for a central authentication server.
11167,36661,367shards_clientUsing Dotenv and Faraday, to setup and call the shards service API.
12172,57061,367dicom_study_factoryWe need dicom files populated with the right tags to test and use it for DEMOs. Unfor...