Westfield's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,54312,946apivoreTests your rails API using its OpenAPI (Swagger) description of end-points, models, and...
237,99729,010datetime_helperThe `Datetime Helper` was developed to provide a common approach to validating incoming...
340,28177,834westfield_swaggerAdds required controllers & routes for presentation of OpenAPI 2.0 specifications.
443,40331,484data_janitorRake task to check validity of column types and values.
555,95277,834westfield_paginatorA common gem for pagination
659,13077,834heroku_lockdownRefuse access if X-API-SECRET header does not contain required value. Allow unrestricte...
761,04677,834service_loggerStructured Logging to support micro services.
870,79177,834sanitize_orderSanitize an sql order clause from tainted params
975,60477,834status_querierAdd `or` functionality to models that support AREL to query statuses.
10144,30277,834cache_forProvide a simple interface to redis with self-expiring keys.