1 | 83 | 41 | regexp_parser | A library for tokenizing, lexing, and parsing Ruby regular expressions. |
2 | 1,100 | 787 | js_regex | JsRegex converts Ruby's native regular expressions for JavaScript, taking care of vario... |
3 | 1,131 | 762 | regexp_property_values | This small library lets you see which property values are supported by the regular expr... |
4 | 1,139 | 778 | character_set | Build, read, write and compare sets of Unicode codepoints. |
5 | 7,994 | 14,282 | betterplace-content | betterplace.org's Jekyll Content Theme |
6 | 16,089 | 22,190 | betterplace_explorer | An awesome explorer |
7 | 20,724 | 11,702 | delete_recursively | Adds a new :dependent option for ActiveRecord associations that recursively deletes all... |
8 | 22,681 | 32,595 | range_compressor | Compresses Arrays of Objects to Arrays of Ranges. |
9 | 23,071 | 14,282 | webmail_provider | Returns provider names and login URLs for email addresses of some common German and int... |
10 | 38,186 | 14,121 | refraction2 | Rack middleware replacement for joshsusser/refraction |
11 | 48,396 | 15,259 | jekyll-diacritic-compressor | Jekyll plugin to substitute combining diacritical marks |
12 | 49,469 | 10,300 | denormalize_fields | This gem adds a `denormalize` option to ActiveRecord relation definitions, e.g. `has_ma... |
13 | 57,507 | 51,488 | conscious_concern | ConsciousConcern is a decorator for ActiveSupport::Concern that adds several metaprogra... |
14 | 64,360 | 22,190 | rack-prerender | Rack middleware to prerender your javascript heavy pages on the fly (fork of prerender_... |
15 | 68,239 | 32,595 | rails_omnibar | Omnibar for Rails |
16 | 85,638 | 51,488 | sexy_slug | Build sexy slugs for your URL paths. A lightweight, opinionated alternative to StringEx... |
17 | 91,553 | 51,488 | gouteur | Run tests of dependent gems against your changes. |
18 | 136,050 | 12,463 | rubocop-git2 | RuboCop for git diff. |
19 | 139,809 | 32,595 | factory_sloth | Find and replace unnecessary factory_bot create calls. |
20 | 145,589 | 51,488 | caleidenticon | Caleidenticon is a customizable generator for caleidoscope-like identicons. |
21 | 148,973 | 26,667 | repper | Regexp pretty printer and formatter for Ruby |
22 | 150,516 | 13,399 | activeadmin_assets | Run ActiveAdmin v4 without asset setup. |
23 | 163,059 | 129,735 | paper_trail_viewer | Browse, view and revert changes to records when using Ruby on Rails and the `paper_trai... |
24 | 168,238 | 51,488 | leto | Generic object traverser |
25 | 168,521 | 20,172 | taro | This library provides an object-based type system for RESTful Ruby APIs, with built-in ... |
26 | 168,589 | 51,488 | immutable_set | A faster, immutable replacement for Ruby's Set |
27 | 179,399 | 51,488 | activerecord_cached | Flexibly cache ActiveRecord queries across requests |
28 | 181,742 | 26,667 | pghero_assets | Run PgHero without asset pipeline. |