Jaynetics's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18341regexp_parserA library for tokenizing, lexing, and parsing Ruby regular expressions.
21,100787js_regexJsRegex converts Ruby's native regular expressions for JavaScript, taking care of vario...
31,131762regexp_property_valuesThis small library lets you see which property values are supported by the regular expr...
41,139778character_setBuild, read, write and compare sets of Unicode codepoints.
57,99414,282betterplace-contentbetterplace.org's Jekyll Content Theme
616,08922,190betterplace_explorerAn awesome explorer
720,72411,702delete_recursivelyAdds a new :dependent option for ActiveRecord associations that recursively deletes all...
822,68132,595range_compressorCompresses Arrays of Objects to Arrays of Ranges.
923,07114,282webmail_providerReturns provider names and login URLs for email addresses of some common German and int...
1038,18614,121refraction2Rack middleware replacement for joshsusser/refraction
1148,39615,259jekyll-diacritic-compressorJekyll plugin to substitute combining diacritical marks
1249,46910,300denormalize_fieldsThis gem adds a `denormalize` option to ActiveRecord relation definitions, e.g. `has_ma...
1357,50751,488conscious_concernConsciousConcern is a decorator for ActiveSupport::Concern that adds several metaprogra...
1464,36022,190rack-prerenderRack middleware to prerender your javascript heavy pages on the fly (fork of prerender_...
1568,23932,595rails_omnibarOmnibar for Rails
1685,63851,488sexy_slugBuild sexy slugs for your URL paths. A lightweight, opinionated alternative to StringEx...
1791,55351,488gouteurRun tests of dependent gems against your changes.
18136,05012,463rubocop-git2RuboCop for git diff.
19139,80932,595factory_slothFind and replace unnecessary factory_bot create calls.
20145,58951,488caleidenticonCaleidenticon is a customizable generator for caleidoscope-like identicons.
21148,97326,667repperRegexp pretty printer and formatter for Ruby
22150,51613,399activeadmin_assetsRun ActiveAdmin v4 without asset setup.
23163,059129,735paper_trail_viewerBrowse, view and revert changes to records when using Ruby on Rails and the `paper_trai...
24168,23851,488letoGeneric object traverser
25168,52120,172taroThis library provides an object-based type system for RESTful Ruby APIs, with built-in ...
26168,58951,488immutable_setA faster, immutable replacement for Ruby's Set
27179,39951,488activerecord_cachedFlexibly cache ActiveRecord queries across requests
28181,74226,667pghero_assetsRun PgHero without asset pipeline.