Fornellas's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
133,22120,053gem_polisherEasily create Rake tasks that mechanize Gem development workflow: Git integration, auto...
234,37097,722command_utilsThis Gem will help you call external commands, process its stdout and stderr, to your o...
357,36434,482agitaSimple Gem that encapsulates some usual Git commands, to make Git workflows easier.
472,39237,877evanescentThis gem provides an IO like object, that can be used with any logging class (such as R...
597,25197,722parallel_taskerCollects tasks to be run, then execute in parallel, with maximum specified concurrency.
6110,46797,722composite_taskThis Gem implement GoF's Composite pattern for Ruby. It comes with some helper methods,...