1 | 67,444 | 29,512 | fabricas | Fabricas is simple; just a few lines of code. It's a framework agnostic library with ze... |
2 | 97,200 | 51,220 | ocioso | Micro Library for initialize variables in your ruby objects. |
3 | 98,197 | 51,220 | reptar | Microlibrary for write representations of objects to your JSON APIs. |
4 | 139,481 | 51,220 | crows | Crows is a micro framework-agnostic library for authorization in Ruby classes. A set of... |
5 | 139,529 | 51,220 | ate | Ate is a minimalist and fast template engine. |
6 | 152,552 | 51,220 | garfio | With few lines of code, one method compilation and no method missing Garfio with an eas... |
7 | 153,155 | 51,220 | rescata | Microlibrary for rescue exceptions declaratively in your Ruby classes. |