Humzashah's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
159,64927,344hungarian_algorithm_cA Ruby gem that evaluates the Hungarian algorithm in C
261,55267,808convenient_grouperUse Ruby hashes to group database table rows through ActiveRecord.
3110,29467,808arma_fixerReplace missing image files in your models with defaults.
4149,33545,971hip_chatEasily communicate with HipChat using via their API's v2.
5152,21467,808will_it_rainUse Ruby to determine if it will rain today.
6155,11167,808puma-clockerRails-on-Puma? Clock your 'rails server' command!
7155,28267,808mail_rotatorRotate services used to send Rails emails.
8163,02767,808rails-middleware_timerTime the 'call' method of the middleware classes used by Rails.