1 | 59,580 | 28,615 | hungarian_algorithm_c | A Ruby gem that evaluates the Hungarian algorithm in C |
2 | 61,484 | 97,699 | convenient_grouper | Use Ruby hashes to group database table rows through ActiveRecord. |
3 | 110,223 | 97,699 | arma_fixer | Replace missing image files in your models with defaults. |
4 | 149,220 | 97,699 | hip_chat | Easily communicate with HipChat using via their API's v2. |
5 | 152,001 | 97,699 | will_it_rain | Use Ruby to determine if it will rain today. |
6 | 154,918 | 97,699 | puma-clocker | Rails-on-Puma? Clock your 'rails server' command! |
7 | 155,099 | 53,223 | mail_rotator | Rotate services used to send Rails emails. |
8 | 162,757 | 53,223 | rails-middleware_timer | Time the 'call' method of the middleware classes used by Rails. |