Jgeewax's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1201151google-cloud-coregoogle-cloud-core is the internal shared library for google-cloud-ruby.
2236197google-cloud-storagegoogle-cloud-storage is the official library for Google Cloud Storage.
31,0381,251google-cloud-pubsubgoogle-cloud-pubsub is the official library for Google Cloud Pub/Sub.
41,6161,587google-cloud-bigquerygoogle-cloud-bigquery is the official library for Google BigQuery.
51,8862,094google-cloud-logginggoogle-cloud-logging is the official library for Stackdriver Logging.
63,0642,704google-cloud-translateCloud Translation can dynamically translate text between thousands of language pairs. T...
73,1143,797google-cloud-visionCloud Vision API allows developers to easily integrate vision detection features within...
84,2754,561google-cloud-languageProvides natural language understanding technologies, such as sentiment analysis, entit...
94,3135,592google-cloud-datastoregoogle-cloud-datastore is the official library for Google Cloud Datastore.
104,8345,451google-cloud-resource_managergoogle-cloud-resource_manager is the official library for Google Cloud Resource Manager.
114,8835,115google-cloud-dnsgoogle-cloud-dns is the official library for Google Cloud DNS.
125,2498,331google-cloudgoogle-cloud is the official library for Google Cloud Platform APIs.
137,45613,259gcloudgcloud is the legacy support library for the new google-cloud library.